Friday, 10 June 2011

Good morning world!

Good morning to all, and what a spectaclar looking day it is here in my world.
Woke up late on this fine satuday morning (aha! i wish). On saturdays my dad and i have made a little tradition that we do the grocery shoppings early saturday mornings! I love going with him, just not so much the early morning starts!

So thats the way my day started today.
Today i'm feeling, quite entranced with the beauty of the gleaming sun, we haven't seen it for a little while. What a pleasure to wake today to a bright blue sky and bright sun!
 i'm spending the day inside! well tidying my room and it is quite apparent to me that i need to finish a english assesment, bleh! Would be a nice day to spend in the park.

Off to spend the night with a friend, teaching her a dance we're learning for our local dance festival which is only 2 weeks away! quite exciting. Hoping on a nice girly night, then no plans are apparent for tommorrow! I love weekends so much, even if all i do is sit at home and work on assignments. The free time is great and luckily for me this weekend is a long one, for the Queens birthday. I wish i got a public holiday on my birthday, would be bliss. Although i must say i love the attention at school on your birthday!

I'm am however missing someone today, unfortunantly.
One of the worse feelings i believe. Keeping busy though! Maybe i'll do something constructive today! Think big they say.

Hope everyone enjoys this nice day, and the rest of your hopefully wonderful weekend.

The perfectly imperfect princess.

Hello, out there!

As you may have guessed, yes i'm new! Have always been interested in having a blog i just have never sat down and actually wrote one, well not a proper one! So my first post i thought i'd introduce myself to you, whoever it is that you are!

I'm Shannon, Shannon Maree the perfectly imperfect princecss! I'm still in school, with an idea of what i want to do when i leave even though i'm a couple of years off yet! I have been bought up in a family with good morals and i believe that has bettered who i am as a person! I'm lucky to have what i have and i certainly don't take that for granted! I'm not extrodinary or brilliant but i do try to be a good person. I have 3 bestfriends that i love dearly and a boyfriend that i truly couldn't live without. I try to surround myself with genuine people, i dislike faulsenss. I also hate people who judge people by there exterior, or sterotype certain people!

I dance, even if i don't dance well i love it! It's cetainly something that i am passionate about. I love watching it the most, i just find it so extrodinary the way a persons movement through the body can tell such an intricate story or portray such deep emotions. I love all the little things in life and the moments that at the time don't seem so amazing only when you look back they still give you an incredible feeling of warmth. I love the rain, especially before i go to sleep on a restless night. Nothing helps me sleep better, well other then the thought of my incredible boyfriend. Corny? yes, probably but i'm so inlove!

My mum would have to be one of the most amazing people i know, she's always there for me when i need her and i know i can always depend on her. She's just one of the people that you are so grateful that you have in your life. I also have a big sister, she's always been one of the most influential people in my world although over this year we have difted, i still feel a warmth at the thought of her. She's a good person and i love her beyond words. I then have my  two brothers who yes i do infact like, abit, maybe a little love!? But then theres the funniest most lovable man i know, my father who has given me unconditional love no matter what. He is certainly someone in my life that couldn't be replaced! I have an amazing family, lucky yes i know alot of people don't have it the way i do. My family is just so tight knit, i wouldn't have it any other way!

I read, i listen to music, i laugh, i cry and i struggle with the everyday issues of my teenage world. I've always been quite a self concious person, i don't like being judged! over these past couple of years that has altered, slowly i'm starting to accept myself and moving on from the importance of my exterior. Beauty is on the inside a hell of alot more than it is on the outside even though society have brainwashed us other wise. Theres always a constant struggle meeting the standards set by the media. Your either to fat or too skinny, too smart or too dumb, to fake or too real it's a loosing battle!

I'm trying this new thing this year, it's called trying to relax, be myself and try my hardest to reach my potential even if sometimes i struggle beyond words and fall short of the person i dream to be. We're all in the same boat, every single one of us. We're just dealt different cards. Everyone feels, believes, dreams and hurts and i'm certainly no exception...

the perfectly imperfect princess..