Monday, 2 January 2012

Its a brand new year!

The new year has begun.
Resolutions have been made all over the world. Theses promises to ourselves consist of varied goals in which one strives to complete by the end of the year..
This year i didn't particularly set specific goals for the year. Because this year I plan to enter 2012 optimistic and my goal this year is to generally be a good person.. I want to be successful in my studies this year and use my schooling to aid my future, using it not set a strong foundation in which i can build the rest of my life on. I want to be involved in things that i wouldn't of previously been in. This year i'm seeking happiness. This year i'm seeking independence. This year is going to be amazing, because I welcome it with open arms prepared for whatever may be thrown at me.

The perfectly imperfect princess.