Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Belief in the good..

Trust is a funny concept is it not?
It can take a lifetime to gain.. then an instant to diminish..
In my world it doesn't take much to gain my trust. Some would say that simply makes me silly, maybe even a little naive. But all i wanted was to believe the very best in the world, the very best in the people that are in it.. Silly me? Yes.. maybe, because due to the want to believe in the good i've found myself caught up in the bad. With only myself to blame? Still.. it's sad is it not? That due to the astounding amount of evil present in our everyday lives you must change your being to accomodate for those who are so readily willing to betray you.. In ways that you never thought possible. It's sad that you can't be willing and open and loving and that pays off for you.. In this day and age your advised to be..protected.. Emotionally, physically. Put up a wall and you won't find yourself where i find myself today.. But what kind of person does that make you? If you go through life guarded and afraid then can you really classify it as living?

From the events that have taken place over these past few days i've learnt a thing or two. Unfortunatly not everyone is a good person and sometimes people are going to betray you.. It the way of the world it seems despite how unfortunate it may be.. The second things i've learnt that i am better than this situation.. If that means i am saying that i am better then you then so be it because despite common belief i held my moral ground throughout this entire ordeal.. I must admit that i have never had too much trouble with people throughout high school. I get along with people and believe that i treat them with the repect that everyone deserves. So it's been such a shock to me to have this harassment occur, particualarly when the reasoning behind it all is truly not proven and not that it seems to matter but it's also not true.. This dilema has put much of a burden on my world. With keeping that in mind i think of all the people that deal with problems of this nature on an everyday basis. It saddens me to the core that such malicious behaviour is apparent in out society today. especially at this age.. I think about it over and over and can't understand how people can hold such hate in their hearts, much drive to persue in making ones world a living hell. Things are really not that bad for me in the broad overveiw of everything. But the matters that have occured of late have really triggered a sadness inside of me to think that people make other people feel this way as part of their everyday routine.

Despite me feeling bad for those who must deal with this.. i feel bad for those of you out there that need us to make youselves feel better. Shame on you for failing the test.. Showing us everyday your lack of moral high ground. You make us look good by being so utterly awful and because of this i will be stronger at the end of the day.. You however will continue to sink. Don't expect for us to help you when you crumble..

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